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February 9, 2022, 5-7 PM
ABRACADABRA "I create as I speak"
Do words create your reality?
How words manifest in experiences
Understanding intention, vibration, frequency, and field
From the metaphysical to physical reality.
Is the effect of what is being said limited to source or does it affect others and how.
Can you take it back? What does it take to cancel the effect of something you said but regret
How long does the effect of a spoken word last?
Learn how your words create your experience. Improve your communication, your inter, and intra-personal relationships, and secure the outcome you want from your interactions with others by creating as you speak.
Attendees will receive a link upon signing to join our ZOOM meeting.

Wednesday, February 23th, 2022, 5-7 PM
Communication trumps every other problem in relationships. Technology today permits that we relate to many people but we don't build that ship that will take us further. Why? Because without a live observation of the person it is impossible to establish a connection. To make matters worse without getting feedback from their tone of voice, facial expression, and body language, 78% of everything we text is subject to interpretation, thus one never knows exactly what the other person means. Modern context abbreviations and emojis only make bad communication worse.
It is imperative then to learn texting as a new gender-specific language. The male and the female brain not only perceive but also express information differently.
So, if a guy you liked stop texting you if you can not infer their meaning or intentions towards you from his texts; if someone ghosted you after great times together, this is the one webinar that will teach you how to text with a guy you like to keep.

May 7th, 2020, 7-8 PM
How To Cope When Others Don't Approve
May 13th, 2020, 7-8 PM
It's not what you think
When partners want to preserve the relationship, everything else can be remedied but the initial chemistry upon which a relationship is built. If the chemistry is lost, the relationship is over even if the partnership remains in place. How do we maintain the initial attraction that brought us together in the first place? What does it take to have incredible chemistry?
Get deep into the psychology, the biology, the physiology and the neuro-chemistry of sexual attraction and arousal before you get under the bed sheets or if you would like to recapture that loving feeling over and over again with the same partner.
Sexual anticipation has been proven to release and sustain more " feeling good" hormones than the actual act. The honeymoon period has its name because of the seven days - a quarter moon cycle - the duration of the time during which the human brain produces endorphins, serotonin, non-epinephrines, and dopamine. But too much of a good thing is a bad thing and your body will naturally shut down production at about that time.
Cycles of attraction and arousal are controlled by many external factors that have no connections to physical appearance, character or circumstances.
In fact, most of the arousal factors have nothing to do with looks but with psychological and emotional states that can be easily triggered in your partner of you know "the gates to heaven".
Mel Brooks is a candid and funny presenter with a deep insight into what makes you hot or not.
This talk will make sure that you'll never have to go to bed with a book if you don't want to read in bed.relationship is over even if the partnership remains in place. How do we maintain the initial attraction that brought us together in the first place? What does it take to have incredible chemistry?

"If it breaks from the inside, life begins.
If it breaks from the outside, life ends."