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Hi and thank you for being here,
If you are reading this, you either know me or know of me, so I will just address how am I different and what I do differently.
First, everybody is intuitive. Intuition is your innate ability to pick signals from your environment when a situation unfolds and nothing sharpens intuition like unseen danger. You can sharpen your intuition, however, there is a price we pay for every enhancement. Many sell programs on how to "develop" your intuition. You are free to do as you please, but you will not become more intuitive as a result. Confused, yes, most likely. To develop your intuition, you must sharpen your senses and your logical inference.

I am psychic intelligent, in addition to being highly intuitive. These are two vastly different abilities. Intuition is a vague, ambiguous, peripheral, semi-conscious sensation. Psychic intelligence is the actual knowledge about the psychic event, that predates manifestation.
I know with clarity and accuracy what is about to happen because it is already happening on some level hidden from the ordinary ability to comprehend reality. Intuition works only in the present moment. Psychic intelligence covers the timeline from intent to actuality. Simply, I see what was, is, and what's coming.
I think a suitable definition for psychic intelligence is clairvoyance or having a clear vision or an oracle.
To my knowledge, I am the only true clairvoyant alive at this time. Andrew Schneider, a Vatican priest with whom I studied and who passed in 2011 was the only other living clairvoyant I have had the good fortune to meet. I know this is a bold statement, but I stand firmly behind it, and those who know me testify to it.
My "gift" was discovered by the public under the duress of the communist regime in Bulgaria, affirmed during my service in the Middle East. and I am often sought as a security consultant when the political waters get murky and leverage is needed.
I was the first one to predict and warn people about the COVID19 pandemic.
I predicted the civil unrest we are witnessing now. I predict elections outcomes. I am able to do that because I can read the collective consciousness, As a social perception specialist, I consulted on Christine Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh case, predicted the scandals of 2019, the attempt to impeach of our president, etc. And although I am very well known in certain circles, I had to wait to come out of the closet. The restrictions lifted in October of 2019 and soon after I created InstantlyWiser because I have so much to share and it is critical that I pass the information forward now as the world as we know it is ending.

I can offer you two gifts that no one else has at the moment.
First is my ability to read people. All I need is a clear picture of a person and five minutes to " become" this person. Some people find my gift intrusive and invasive but you will never be taken advantage of, make the wrong choice, lose money and time, or trust the wrong person if you knew the true nature and intentions of the people in your life. Simply there are the practical and the spiritual side of "my two cents." to clarify, a sorcerer is not a person who does magic but a person whose knowledge comes directly from the source. No matter what you ask me, business, professional, personal, spiritual, I'll have the answer. Simply said, I am a modern-day oracle.
My other offer to you is my knowledge of esoteric philosophy and psychology accumulated over 28 years of study and later under the tutelage of a Vatican scholar, who spend 41 years in the secret libraries of the Vatican catacombs. My friend and mentor passed, but not before he left his knowledge with me and what he left behind is mind-blowing, as it reveals the mystery of how everything in the universe works and why and how to know God's intentions and how G.O.D (grand organized design) works.

I intend to do just that and to resurrect the Sisterhood while at it. A word on that. The Sisterhood was a real convent, created at the time of the White Brotherhood. Its arts are forgotten but not lost. You will know if this is for you in time, You will be able to make that determination as we reveal its principle, and delve into the magic of creation and manifestation together.
Grab a lunch, sit back, learn, and reflect on life and the cosmic mysteries as they unfold.


"If it breaks from the inside, life begins.
If it breaks from the outside, life ends."