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Covid 19

"Caution is appropriate. Preparedness is appropriate. Panic is not."


The information on this page is not medical advice. It has not been approved by the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organisation, or any other medical or government organization. These are safety tips and home remedies that Mel Brooks obtained from her sources and friends in the medical profession, her own life experience, and her wisdom and observation.

Mel Brooks is psychic intelligent, and she is often referred to as oracle for her accurate prediction of events. Mel has a long history of predicting the outcomes of political elections, the Superbowl's winning team, economic fluctuations, etc. to name a few. Mel Brooks is NOT a virology expert, a medical doctor, or a pandemic specialist. She is a medical intuitive and curandera, a person who uses wisdom, intuition, intellect, medicinal, herbal and substance knowledge, and inference to restore health and promote healing.


Mel is the first person to predict that the epidemic in China will become a global pandemic. Mel posted videos with safety tips on January 27, 2020, on Instagram (@instantlywiser), and Facebook @ Mel S Brooks) informing the public without any intention for commercial gain.

The information on this page is not affiliated, sponsored, paid for by any company, organization, or product manufacturer, and requests for product placements, promotions, marketing, etc. will not be allowed or accepted. This decision is final.



Here is proof that Mel not only predicted but informed close friends of what is coming



Everything You Need To Know But Nobody Told You

Hello everybody,


My name is Mel Brooks.  For 35 years, I have been known as "the Fixer" because the nature of my work is to get people out of sticky situations. I work as a crisis and reputation management consultant. I hope some of my celebrity clients will support me here, as I can not bridge our non-disclosure agreement to build credibility among the general public. People come to me at the worst time of their life for help, because I read people, I'm emotionally intelligent to science, intuitive, a clairvoyant, and oracle in spirituality and philosophy. I use my psychic intelligence as an extra layer of leverage when solving problems. You can learn more about me at, but for now, without further ado, let's jump to the issue at hand.


Why am I talking coronavirus?


Because I was the first person that predicted the pandemic, I foresee something; I never act on my insight without backing them with proof. It's like when I get an insight that two trains will collide, I start calling all the train stations. 


In January 2020, I recorded a video about the energies of 2020 that I titled "The Tower moment," but what I saw prevented me from sharing this with the public because I would have alarmed instead of alert you. I will record and release another video for discussing the collective consciousness, but now we need to focus on that sucker, COVID 19. In this video, I will not discuss future events. Instead, I'm addressing you as a fixer.  


So here are the facts.


Thanks to my international career, I have met and built close relationships with some of the brightest minds in medicine. They are familiar with my gift and pay attention to my insight. When I saw what coming, which was four months ago, I'd call a friend and say, "This is what I see. What do you know?" They would share what they know, and in return, I'd exchange what I found with them from other sources.


 I'll try to keep this as simple as possible and give you practical advice, which is what you need. In this video, I will cover everything I've learned about viruses, how to kill them, and how to protect yourself from my sources and offer you some solutions if you are on a budget.


So here are the facts.


January 14.

WHO announced that preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities had found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmissions of the virus identified in Wuhan, which was a lie.

January 20. 

ZHONG NAN-SHAN, a top Chinese doctor who is helping to coordinate the coronavirus response, announces the virus can be passed between people.

January 19.

I foresee the pandemic and inform carefully some of my closest friends. (See pictures above)

January 26.

I sent a text to my closest friends, telling them that this will become a pandemic, and gave them a list of things to buy. Only one of them acted immediately and purchased a full-year supply of toilet paper, Masks N95. I hear other psychics now claim they predicted the pandemic, but I'd like to see some proof of that.

January 27.

I post informational videos about COVID19 on social media. ( removed by fact-checkers)

March 11.

WHO announces coronavirus pandemic. Four months too late.


To understand how to help ourselves, we need to start at the beginning.




I'll summarize. 


Scientists still can not make their minds if viruses are living things or not. Viruses, just as plant seeds can remain dormant until they find a vehicle for transportation, fertile ground, and the right climate. COVID 19 found both, but we will address this later. Viruses are to people as seeds are to the soil. Viruses are very simple. They are like a letter envelope made from protein and fat, with DNA, RNA inside. That IS IT.(*1.) Imagine that someone sends you an envelope with seeds inside. You have to receive it, open it, and sow the seeds in fertile ground, aka the human body. But you can also destroy the envelope with soap and water. It's because soap absolutely annihilates viruses. It has to do with how the soap molecules interact with the virus.


Soap is made up of two-sided molecules. One side is attracted to water; the other side is attracted to fat. When viruses interact with soap, that fat coating gets ripped out by the soap molecules. Soap literally demolishes viruses. Of course, there is a catch. It takes 20 seconds for this to happen!  Other cleaning products are also effective, but nothing beats soap and water.


Now when we know what a virus is, let's look at the transmission. The virus can not fly, walk, jump, travel on its own. The only way to spread it is by respiratory droplets expectorated from an infected person. 


Kerry Jansen writes in Chemical & Engineering News in March 2020.(*2)

"The spread of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 has spurred a surge in sales of cleaning and disinfection products. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, along with thorough hand washing—both standard practices for helping slow the spread of viruses and bacteria. But consumers will be disappointed if they go looking for a product that specifically promises to kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. "Everyone puts in a word of caution in there that we don't really know because we don't have enough data yet," says Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona who studies how viruses spread in indoor environments."


Like many respiratory viruses, including flu, Covid-19 spreads in tiny droplets. A single cough can produce up to 3,000 droplets. We also spray droplets when we sing, talk, laugh, and sneeze. These particles can land on other people, clothing, and surfaces around them, but some of the smaller particles can remain in the air. There is also some evidence that the virus is also shed for longer in fecal matter, so anyone not washing their hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet could contaminate anything they touch. *


Coronaviruses are well known to be particularly resilient in terms of where they can survive. "Low temperature and high air humidity further increase their lifespan," says physician Günter Kampf at the Greifswald University Hospital. *


Speed of intervention is of the essence because surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, and electronic equipment can transmit viral and bacterial diseases. According to the CDC, SARS-CoV-19 is believed to spread primarily person-to-person through airborne respiratory droplets, -by air and wind draft, think about it. One study done in a hospital found that similar coronaviruses can persist on hard surfaces like glass, metal, or plastic for up to 9 days. (*3)(Journal of Hospital Infection 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.01.022). Another study, recently published on medRxiv and not yet peer-reviewed, found that SARS-CoV-2 remains stable on plastic and stainless steel for 2–3 days. (MedRxiv 2020, DOI: 10.1101/2020.03.09.20033217). The authors also published their data in a correspondence in the New England Journal of Medicine. (*5) (2020, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2004973).


During that time, the virus can potentially be spread to anyone touching the surface, and to whatever they touch next. People tend to underestimate how quickly a virus can spread through a building and beyond via touched surfaces, Gerba says.


Gerba notes that technological advancements like large airliners, massive sports stadiums, and the proliferation of self-service kiosks have made it easier for diseases to spread rapidly. Mobile devices like smartphones can pick up germs from contaminated hands and then offload those germs, later on, to spread in a new location.


Enveloped viruses like SARS-CoV-2—which rely on a protective lipid coating—are the easiest type to deactivate. Viruses with this fatty wrapping are relatively vulnerable.

"It's much more sensitive. It's sort of a wimpy protective shell," says virologist Seema Lakdawala of the University of Pittsburgh.


Next, let's talk about decontamination.


Each disinfectant product—be it a spray or wipe, for instance—is formulated differently. Different products require different amounts of time to effectively kill a particular germ or virus. Of course, for the products to be effective, they should be used according to directions. The recommended contact time for common disinfectants ranges from 30 seconds to 10 min. Wiping them off too soon might clean the surface without disinfecting it, says Brian Sansoni of the American Cleaning Institute, a trade group for the cleaning products industry.


Cleaning electronic devices like smartphones can be particularly challenging, with concerns about damaging sensitive components and coatings. Do not share electronic devices without proper sanitization. Treat them like you would your toothbrush.


"Don't use bleach," Apple directs in recently released cleaning guidance for its products. The tech company says it's safe to gently wipe keyboards and displays with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes.


Gerba recommends disinfecting wipes for cleaning other surfaces, too. With spray-and-wipe products, consumers often wipe the product up before it can do its job. But in studies done in people's homes, they are more likely to let a surface air dry after swabbing it with the wipe, giving the disinfectant compounds time to work.


To summarize.

You can destroy the virus on your body by washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. I say, use the timer on your cell phone to time yourself.


I would go ahead and suggest that we do the same with the rest of the skin on our bodies. But first, exfoliate. Dead skin cells are fast food for viruses and bacteria. The virus can

live inside and outside of your body, and the immune system cannot fight it there.


If you are on a budget, you can't afford or cannot find disinfecting products, then wash surfaces with hot water and soap. Let the studs stay for 30 seconds(minimum) before you rinse or wipe it off. Another product on the cheap is white vinegar. Wipe the surfaces with it, let it sit for 30 min, wash it off. There are no studies that support this claim, but popular folklore swears by it. Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol can also be used for cleaning. The catch is, surfaces must be cleaned every three hours throughout the day in areas with heavy traffic.


How about if you don't have soap? Then your solution is boiling water. 

Boiling water kills or inactivates viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and other pathogens by using heat to damage structural components and disrupt essential life processes. (*6) 

Water at 56 degrees celsius, will destroy the virus.


Viruses thrive at a temperature below 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit) and 20% humidity index. Check your local weather! Viruses cannot survive at a temperature above 30 Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) with 50% humidity.


The other "free" virus killer is radiation. You can put objects in our microwave and literally nuke it. Baby toys, keys, handbags, cell phone covers, but not your cellphone, your keyfob, electronics, and aluminum.


The last freebie I have for you that does not require labor, water, soap, or disinfectant is UV-C radiation is high-tech. The UV-B range is what causes sunburn in humans. UV water purifiers use the UV-C range because of their germicidal abilities. In this range the light will break molecular bonds in the DNA of viruses and bacteria, rendering them unable to reproduce and effectively killing them.* Many hospitals are using this method.


I prefer to use tick non-porous gloves when I am out and about in the community. I wash the gloves instead of my hands, in public, I wash them, remove them, and only then do I touch my face. I prefer thick kitchen, construction, or garden rubber gloves, instead of disposable, they are too thin for my taste. Also, make sure your gloves are intact, and there are no holes in them. How do you ensure they are intact. Put your gloves on, submerge them in water, wiggle your fingers in them. If they get wet, there is a hole in them. Dispose of and replace. 


If you don't have rubber or rubberized gloves, use whatever thick gloves you have in winter, ski gloves. Any protection is better than no protection. But whatever you do, do not touch things outside of your home with bear hands.

If you don't have a mask, wrap a scarf around your nose and mouth. Thicker winter scarfs will provide more isolation and more layers of protection. Remember to wash your scarf frequently or put it in the microwave. Be careful how you remove your clothing if have been in a contaminated zone. Wash your hands right after and do not touch your face, eyes, nose, eyes, and mouth before you wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.


And if you do, wash, with soup for at least 20 seconds. But can I ask you to stop the running water while you wash your hands? Save water. 


The virus can survive in the air for up to 3 hours; I haven't heard anything different to date. Wearing PPE, ventilate the evacuated premises while you clean and create a draft when done to export the virus.


How to clean clothing. 

Wear fabrics that can be washed at high temperatures or with bleach, but that can lead to discoloration. One can also dip clothes in a pot with boiling water and let them sit for 5 minutes.


How to clean shoes. 

Fold a towel, put it in a shallow cooking tray, and step on the disinfectant solution to clean the soles. Do the twist. You can wear waterproof footwear, boots, and just wash them with soap or wipe with a disinfectant and let the disinfectant sit for 30 minutes before you wipe that off.


How to clean your handbag. 

It depends on the material.


  • Real Leather - Just don't use your leather handbag.

  • Fake leather, and plastic, disinfect with a product, or wash with soap. Color might run.

  • Fabric bags- wash as clothes.


Put everything in a plastic jar, make soapy water with studs. Close the lid and shake it for 20 seconds. Let it sit for a minute or two just in case and shake it intermittently. Empty the jar and let your jewelry air dry.



Can long hair be more likely to get you sick? YES! Longer hair has a much greater surface area to attract more viruses and air pollution, not to mention it absorbs more cigarette smoke. Research suggests that 30cm or 11 inches of hair growth on an average woman is equal to a five times increase in surface area relative to the body. Besides, the scary fact is various kinds of viruses and bacteria will remain on the hair for quite some time. Research findings suggest that 90% of Staph (food poisoning) remained on the hair after an hour and reduced to 10% after 3 hours. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, the leading cause of pneumonia in hospitalized patients with weakened immune systems. These bacteria find our hair to be an optimal breeding ground because they love the 37C - 98.6F body temperature. It's like paradise to them! Would resorting to our good o' l shampoo be the solution?… Not really, because shampoos are not meant to be "anti-bacterial." It may only get rid of 60% of Staph Aureus and 40% of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. I have found no data regarding the elimination of the actual flu virus. Still, whether you've walked into a room where those infectious droplets remain suspended in the air, or you've touched your hair with your hands that grabbed onto a railing on the bus subsequently held by an infected person, those germs will get stuck in your hair.


What is the solution? Cover your hair if you would be in close contact with people. Skip the shampoo and wash your hair with soap and water. You can use conditioner after and style as usual.



Ladies, wash your brushes. Mix hot water with soap, make studs, dip your brushes in and stir. Then wash each brush and put it in a second jar with a disinfectant solution for at least 5 min. Remove and dry.

If you get sick, don't use makeup, and throw away all makeup you might have used during this period. These are my personal suggestions to you and not a scientific finding, just common sense.

In this video, we covered that it is a virus, how does it spread, and how to destroy it externally.


I have collected an impressive amount of data about the treatment for the cOVID19, some of it is common sense, and some of it is scientific studies. My point is, there are plenty of treatment options to chose from to restore your health. I will hold a webinar discussing what I have learned about treatment. If you are interested, send an email to to join us.

We will do our best to offer a separate webinar for people hard of hearing. We are looking for ways to provide a sign language translation. If you are willing to attend, please send an email to with "Sign language" in the subject field. Stay tuned.




  1. How long do the coronaviruses last on surfaces

  2. Soap kills Corona Virus

  3. What disinfectants to use to kill COVID-19

  4. How long does Covid 19 live on surfaces (Journal of Hospital Infection 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.01.022)

  5. How long Covid 19 lives on plastic (MedRxiv 2020, DOI: 10.1101/2020.03.09.20033217).

  6. 2020, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2004973).

  7. How does boiled water kills viruses

  8. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation -

  9. Can microwaves kill viruses -

  10. Can microwaves kill coronavirus -

Covid 19

On January 27, 2020, Mel Brooks posted three videos on Instagram and Facebook informing the public to prepare for what's to come.

click to watch the video

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Covid 19

The following is a transcript of the video below for people who are hard of hearing. On behalf of Mel S Brooks, we wish you to stay safe, sensible and healthy!

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