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Sat, May 21



Why do some people have a profound effect on our lives, and others don't? Why do some devastate us and others uplift us? Why do even the greatest intentions might not lead to a greater good?

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Time & Location

May 21, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST


About the Event

From the perpestive of the personality the Soul appears to be a relatively perfect on its own plane. After all, it is unconditional love, it is divine Will and it is intelligent Light; it has also created the bodies of the personality and continues to maintain their life.But there is one area of the Soul's life which is lacking , its ability to control matter and transform it into the energy of the Soul. Not only is matter of all grades resistant to being transformed into consciousness but it also cretes a great tention between itself and the Sould. As the Soul continues ,through time, to pressitself upon the matter, it increases tension progressively until it reaches breaking point. This breakthrough is an Initiation.

As your Spirit Ray expresses its Purpose through your Soul manifestation and reincarnation it will interact and intermingle with the Spirit Rays of others on your Life's journey. To each, his own  destiny, at times our divine agendas can clash and burn istead of coopearate and birth something beautifl into creation. 

In this talk we will address how  the life cycles of  the individual Soul and Personality affect our interactions.  Why do some people have a profound effect on our lives, and others don't? Why do some devastate us and others uplift us? Why do even the greatest intentions might not lead to a greater good?


What should you know to determine if meeting someone is destined or doomed?


Understand how different  Spirit Ray qualities interact and what karma is created when you don't choose wisely your friends and your foes.


Presented by

Mel S. Brooks is a philosophical counselor, clairvoyant, and a synesthete prophet. Mel is famous for her clear insight and comprehensive delivery in stark contrast with psychics mediums whose perception is vague and ambiguous. She is internationally known for her ability to analyze and profile people by only seeing a picture of them. Mel's astounding prophetic skills are unsurpassed and undisputable,  her clairvoyance proven over and over again, making Mel S. Brooks the only living prophet of this century.

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