I have traveled far and wide, and I find foreign cultures fascinating. Countries are like people to me, each having a distinctive character and positive and negative qualities. Today, I invite you to contemplate the addiction to recognition, which is not uncommon to other countries, but it is strongly pronounced in the United States.
Most European countries don't care much about celebrities, except for England, possibly, but fan behavior is limited to the young demographics. Here, it is a general assumption that public recognition is necessary for personal satisfaction, success, and, thus, happiness. You have not "made it," it seems unless everybody is talking about "how you made it."

But I have worked with many people who "made it" celebrities, politicians, etc. and not one, not ever, have shared with me that now when the yare recognized by the society, they are finally happy—precisely the opposite.
Happiness is not something you can experience because others approve of you or recognize your achievements. You see, your happiness is contingent on your internal approval and not external validation.
Indeed, happiness is a silent joy.